This is the second edition of the legendary book by the famous popularizer of Chinese martial arts Lee Ying Arng.
The book show the versatility of the Chinese Martial Arts leg techniques including movement techniques, kicks, kick combinations, jump kicks, take downs, stretching and so much more. This is a collection of techniques of traditional Northern Kung Fu styles and schools such as Chaquan (查拳), Tan Tui (彈腿), Shaolin (少林), Chuojiao (戳腳), and others.
The book covers topics such as: - Discussion On The Skills of The Stance, Step and Leg Movements - Use The Hands or Use The Legs - The Explanation of the Leg Strength - The Stance Training - The Step Training - The Basic Training - Combat Training Twenty Four Kicking Method - The Complex Leg Maneuvers - More Than Two Opponents - and many more...
149 pages
Languages: English & Chinese